
The purpose of the Public Private Partnerships Preparation certification is to confirm whether the candidate has achieved sufficient understanding of the importance and general content of a PPP Framework and application of PPP Project Identification, Screening, Appraisal and Preparation Processes in a given governmental context. A successful Preparation candidate should, with suitable direction and as part of a multidisciplinary team, be able to start applying and tailoring PPP projects in a given governmental context, but may not be sufficiently skilled to do this appropriately for all situations. This is the primary outcome from the Public Private Partnerships Preparation certification.

Learning Ojectives

The candidate that completes the Public Private Partnerships Preparation training should be able to demonstrate understanding of how to apply and tailor the established procedures, roles and institutional responsibilities that determine how the government selects, implements and manages PPP projects, as outlined in the PPP Guide:

  • Offer relevant insights in discussions about the value and importance of having a PPP Framework, its objectives and scope, and what it should include;
  • Recognize ways to establish a PPP Framework in different jurisdictions, taking account of existing legal and administrative traditions, and offer alternative approaches;
  • Use an understanding of how the Framework guides each stage of a typical PPP Process to propose and evaluate its application to a given governmental context;
  • Identify the government roles and responsibilities within a PPP Process, and provide insight on how they can be allocated effectively between various government agencies and their Advisors;
  • Help others understand the principles and techniques that enable responsible public financial management of PPPs, and suggest ways to ensure appropriate oversight and transparency of PPP Programs;
  • Help to evaluate whether a project offers sufficient economic benefit to proceed and is technically sound, considering its environmental and social impact;
  • Support the screening of a PPP project with insight into how to avoid the risk of allocating resources into the analysis and structuring of a non-feasible PPP project;
  • Help to define a project management plan and communication plan, ensuring all stakeholders are considered;
  • Support the main activities required to detail the scope of a PPP Project, and help to define its technical requirements and assess technical risks;
  • Use the basic techniques and good practices to help produce a series of feasibility assessments of the technical, commercial, economic, environmental, social, legal, and fiscal dimensions of a project, as well as identify and understand the main issues and risks associated with the decision to procure the PPP project including how to conduct a Value for Money assessment;
  • Use an understanding of the tasks involved in designing a financial model, from the government’s perspective, to propose and evaluate the financial structure for a PPP project;
  • Establish the basic elements required to design a preliminary contract structure, including risk allocation;
  • Identify the main issues of estimating costs and suggest ways of adjusting them for risk;
  • Help to define a strategy for market testing, observing the key aspects of the Process relevant to its success, whilst giving consideration to the strategic issues involved (including transparency and governance);
  • Use an understanding of the basic structure of alternative procurement routes, and how they relate to the outcomes of the Tender Process, to propose an appropriate procurement route for a PPP project.

Target Audience

Individuals who work on, or are preparing to work on, the development or implementation of Public Private Partnership policies or the initiation and preparation of PPP projects, mostly public sector officials and practitioners and their advisors and consultants. This is a professional-level certification – aimed at people involved in the development or implementation of PPP structures and at the beginning of PPP projects.

Suitable functions include:

  • Public sector employees
  • Professionals and their advisers or consultants
  • Private sector roles, such as developers, contractors, investors and financiers

Course Curriculum Sample

  • 1

    Welcome to the Course

    • Introduction to the Course

    • Test - PPP Foundation Knowledge Test

    • Reading - Course Syllabus

  • 2

    Module 1 - Establishing the PPP Framework

    • Reading - Chapter 2 of the PPP Guide

    • Video - Why a PPP Framework

    • Video - PPP Framework Structure

    • Video - PPP Framework Scope

    • Video - Defining the PPP Process Part 1

    • Video - Defining the PPP Process Part 2

    • Video - Institutional Responsibilities

    • Video - Public Financial Management

    • Test - End of Module 1 Quiz

  • 3

    Module 2 - Project Identification and PPP Screening

    • Reading - Chapter 3 of the PPP Guide

    • Video - Introduction to Project Screening

    • Video - Screening Techniques

    • Video - Cost Benefit Analysis

    • Video - Performance Indicators

    • Video - Scoping and testing the PPP project

    • Video - Stakeholder Management & Screening Report

    • Test - End of Module 2 Quiz

  • 4

    Module 3 - Project Appraisal

    • Reading - Chapter 4 of the PPP Guide

    • Video - Introduction to Project Appraisal

    • Video - Overview of the Appraisal Phase

    • Video - Design of the Preliminary Structure

    • Video - Developing a Financial Model - Part 1

    • Video - Developing a Financial Model - Part 2

    • Video - Technical Feasibility

    • Video - Commercial Feasibility - Part 1

    • Video - Commercial Feasibility - Part 2

    • Video - Technical Feasibility

    • Video - Commercial Feasibility - Part 1

    • Video - Commercial Feasibility - Part 2

    • Video - Refining CBA & Fiscal Feasibility

    • Video - Environmental Feasibility

    • Video - Social Feasibility

    • Video - Legal Feasibility

    • Video - Value for Money Assessment

    • Video - The Procurement Strategy

    • Video - The Appraisal Report

    • Test - End of Module 3 Quiz

  • 5

    Module 4 - Structuring and Drafting the Tender and Contract

    • Reading - Chapter 5 of the PPP Guide

    • Video - Introduction to the Structuring Phase

    • Video - Defining PPP Structuring

    • Video - Financial Structuring - Term Definition

    • Video - Financial Structuring - Co-Financing

    • Video - Financial Structuring - Revenue Regime

    • Video - Financial Structuring - Availability Payments

    • Video - Risk Allocation & Structuring

    • Video - Risk Strategy

    • Video - Risk Mitigation

    • Test - End of Module 4 Quiz

  • 6

    Sample Examination

    • Video - Exam Preparation

    • Reading - Instruction for taking the sample exam

    • Untitled quiz

  • 7

    The Official APMG PPP Preparation Examination

    • Exam Registration Instructions

Course Material

The course includes a copy of the core CP3P manual which delegates can download.

Your Instructor

Certified PPP Professional and Trainer

Lieven Jacquemyn

Internationally experienced project finance professional with a solid track record of originating and transacting a total project value of more than US$3bn as financial advisor and investor. As a certified trainer for the PPP professional (CP3P®) program and as Member of the Asia Pacific Chapter Leadership Committee of the World Association of PPP units and professionals (WAPPP), Lieven is a recognized industry expert. He is the author of various infrastructure related publications and a regular speaker at industry conferences.