
The purpose of the Public Private Partnerships Execution certification is to confirm whether the candidate has achieved sufficient understanding of how to apply the structuring and drafting Process of PPP tender documents and the PPP contract, the tendering and awarding of PPP contracts, and the management of PPP contracts during the Construction and Operations Phases. A successful Execution candidate should, with suitable direction and as part of a multi-disciplinary team, be able to start structuring and drafting PPP tender documents and PPP contracts, manage the tender and awarding of PPP contracts, and manage PPP contracts during the Construction and Operations Phases, whilst anticipating and planning for hand back requirements at the end of the contract period, but they may not be sufficiently skilled to do this appropriately for all situations. This is the primary outcome intended from the certification.

Target Audience

Individuals who are involved in the structuring and tendering of PPP projects, and the management of PPP contracts, mostly public sector officials and practitioners and their advisors and consultants. Private sector (private industry i.e. developers, contractors, investors and financiers) who have an interest as a way to better understand:

  • The PPP concept as a procurement method
  • Government tender processes
  • Structuring of the PPP contract
  • Management of a PPP contract
  • Government’s perspective of the construction and operations phases

Learning Ojectives

The learning objectives of the Public Private Partnerships Execution course are:

  • Offer relevant insight into the interactions between the Appraisal Phase and the Structuring and Drafting Phase, and propose and evaluate the need for refinement of previous analysis during the Structuring Phase;
  • Help others understand the structuring concept and the importance of allowing sufficient time to design the project contract;
  • Recognize approaches to financial structuring from the public perspective, help to define public financial support mechanisms that can be implemented without compromising Value for Money (VfM), suggest different revenue regimes and payment mechanisms appropriate to the contract, help to define the most appropriate revenue regime and/or payment mechanism solution and help others to develop all the details of the financial structure;
  • Support risk structuring and risk allocation, and identify appropriate approaches to allocate risks;
  • Help others understand the importance of marketing the project and re-testing the project with the market before launching, and suggest appropriate ways of doing this;
  • Help to incorporate the risk allocation, financial structure and payment mechanism into the contract, and develop other fundamental provisions of the contract;
  • Support the detailed design of a Tender Process that is consistent with the applicable framework and drives value for money outcomes;
  • Identify how the private sector screens markets and projects, prepares and submits bids and raises funds;
  • Help to define prequalification or qualification requirements and awarding/evaluation criteria and other issues of a Request for Qualifications and Request for Proposal, and help others to understand the importance of managing approvals and authorizations, and getting ready for launching the tender;
  • Suggest actions to manage the Qualification and Evaluation Processes, including any potential need for changes or re-scheduling in the Procurement Process;
  • Support the drafting of the tender documentation;
  • Identify and support the management of approvals and authorizations through to financial close;
  • Help others understand the distinction between commercial close and financial close, the need for conditions prior to contract signature, and the key elements of the financial close process;
  • Help to design a PPP Contract Management Framework, appropriate governance and a contract management team and suggest roles and responsibilities within the contract management team;
  • Identify ways, and put in place mechanisms, to monitor non-compliance and under-performance and ensure that the Private Partner performs its obligations to deliver and commission the asset and the Government performs its obligations in accepting the asset;
  • Identify ways, and put in place mechanisms, to monitor non-compliance and under-performance and ensure that the Private Partner performs its operations and maintenance obligations and the Government performs its obligations during the operational stage under the PPP contract;
  • Identify ways, and put in place mechanisms, to manage stakeholder interfaces to support project outcomes;
  • Recognize the need for, and issues that arise from, changes to requirements, changes in ownership, re-financing and asset renewal, and suggest actions to manage these changes, renegotiations;
  • Identify types of cause of claims, preventative solutions and steps to follow to deal with the various forms of claims that may arise (including compensation and relief);
  • Identify dispute resolution procedures and support the resolution of disputes;
  • Help to design the Exit and Handover strategy for a PPP contract, and suggest actions to ensure compliance with required asset hand-over and preparation for continuity of operations after asset hand-over.

Course Curriculum Sample

  • 1

    Welcome to the CP3P Execution Course

    • A message from the instructor

    • The Three Pillars workbook

    • Before we begin...

  • 2

    1. Introducing and scoping the PPP concept

    • 1.1 Defining PPPs for the Purpose of This PPP

    • 1.2 Analyzing the Definition Proposed by this PPP Guide

  • 3

    2. Private Participation in Public Infrastructure and Services: What is and is not a PPP

    • 2.1. Infrastructure Procurement Options that are Not Regarded as PPPs

    • 2.1. Infrastructure Procurement Options that are Not Regarded as PPPs

  • 4

    11. Introduction to Project Finance

    • Quiz: Introduction to Project Finance

  • 5

    Taking the next steps

    • The many paths forward

    • Resources and further reading

    • Before you go...

Course Material

The course includes a copy of the core CP3P manual which delegates can download.

Your Instructor

Certified PPP Professional and Trainer

Lieven Jacquemyn

Internationally experienced project finance professional with a solid track record of originating and transacting a total project value of more than US$3bn as financial advisor and investor. As a certified trainer for the PPP professional (CP3P®) program and as Member of the Asia Pacific Chapter Leadership Committee of the World Association of PPP units and professionals (WAPPP), Lieven is a recognized industry expert. He is the author of various infrastructure related publications and a regular speaker at industry conferences.